
Today’s Verse for Woman – Psalm 144:15, Tuesday, October 29th, 2024

daily verse for woman Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 Psalm 144:15

Oh, happy are we, the ones whose God is the Lord! Can you imagine the joy, the peace that fills our hearts when we surrender to His embrace? In a world of chaos and uncertainty, He is our anchor, our constant. Do you feel His presence, His love surrounding you, guiding you through each day? Well, let me tell you, it’s a feeling like no other… a deep, abiding contentment that surpasses all understanding. So, dear reader, take a moment today to reflect on the happiness found in the arms of the Lord.

Dear Lord, I come before you with a heart full of gratitude for the happiness you bring into my life. Just as the verse says, ‘Happy are the people whose God is the Lord!’, I am blessed to have you as my God. Thank you for filling my days with joy, peace, and contentment. Help me to always remember that true happiness comes from knowing and serving you. Guide me in times of uncertainty and lift my spirits when I feel down. May my life be a reflection of your love and goodness, spreading happiness to those around me. Let my actions and words bring light and cheer to others, leading them closer to you. Thank you for being the source of my happiness. Amen.

