
Today’s Verse for Woman – Joshua 1:9, Tuesday, November 12th, 2024

daily verse for woman Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 Joshua 1:9

Oh, have I not been commanded to be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged… for the Lord our God is with us wherever we go. How often do we let fear cloud our judgment? How often do we forget the strength within us? It’s a gentle reminder to trust in the divine presence that guides us. Let’s embrace courage and face our fears head-on, knowing that we are never alone on this journey of life.

Heavenly Father, I come before you today seeking courage and strength in the face of challenges. Just as you commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous, I pray for the same courage to fill my heart and mind. Help me not to be afraid or discouraged, knowing that you are with me wherever I go. May your presence be a constant source of reassurance and bravery in my life. Grant me the courage to step out in faith, to face my fears with confidence, and to walk boldly in the path you have set before me. Strengthen me, Lord, with the assurance of your love and protection. I surrender my fears and doubts to you, trusting in your unfailing presence and guidance. Thank you for being my rock and my fortress. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

